into the wild

1992年9月,24歲的美國青年Christopher McCandless 嚴重腐爛的屍體被發現在阿拉斯加荒野中一輛廢置的巴士中。死因是吃錯了一些有毒的種子,也有人說他是餓死的,因他死時只有72磅。在死前,他已在荒野生活了約112日,其間靠打獵和採摘植物維生。進入荒野時,他只有一小包米,一支獵槍,幾本書。而在此之前,他已獨自在美國各地流浪兩年了。在流浪之前,他放棄了自己的車,把所有積蓄捐了給樂施會。再之前,他以優異的成績大學畢業,父親是太空計劃的工程師。
死亡,為他的一生定了調。如果他不是食物中毒,他很有可能可以活著走出荒野。可能,他會覺得流浪夠了,回家和父母修好關係,重新融入社會,穿西裝上班去。也可能他會寫一本書講他的經歷,然後成為環保份子。但事實上,他沒能夠走出來,他活不過24歲。Christopher McCandless 短暫的一生,意外的死亡,被寫成了書,拍成了電影和記錄片,那輛他最後在上面死去的巴士,成了他的紀念碑,很多人前往探訪,拍成短片放上youtube.他成為了消極反抗社會的象徵。他反抗的是社會上的主流價值觀--甚麼叫成功,甚麼是消費,甚麼是工作,人,應該怎樣和大自然相處?應該怎樣生存?
一個二十歲的人,有這樣的疑問,不是很自然的嗎?當你讀大學時,被鼓勵去獨立思考,接觸不同的世界和價值觀,然後對面前即將要投身的這個貪婪社會,開始感到沮喪和討厭。每個人是否都曾經有的那種衝動,要反思那些價值觀,要逃避這個社會?我們每個人心中,是否仍藏有一個Christopher McCandless ?
這是一個叫人深思的真人真事,書和電影都很值得細心看。書的中文版叫<阿拉斯加之死>,電影香港譯名是<浪盪天涯>。主題曲叫 Society, 很沉重的歌詞。
by Eddie Vedder
hmmm ooh
It's a mystery to me
we have a greed
with which we have agreed
You think you have to want
more than you need
until you have it all you won't be free
society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
When you want more than you have
you think you need
and when you think more than you want
your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place
'cos when you have more than you think
you need more space
society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
there's those thinking more or less less is more
but if less is more how you're keeping score?
Means for every point you make
your level drops
kinda like its starting from the top
you can't do that...
society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
Labels: 讀書
剛從圖書館借了這片DVD回來(對, 你沒看錯, 小氣主婦我是很愛圖書館的), 就看到這篇新文. 真有默契. 呵呵. MM
this entry is especially for you as well, maybe
and respect
Read this book some years ago. I like both "Into the Wild" and "Into Thin Air" by the same author. Recently I read two other non-fiction books "The Wild Tree" and "Out of Poverty" (by two other writers) and both are thought provoking. Highly recommended.
The Wild Trees
Out of Poverty
PP's Presentation at Pop!Tech 2008:
thanks for sharing. i enjoyed "into thin air" a lot too.
I saw the movie in HK Film Festival and love at once.
I have a same mind set like him in Hong Kong where
always escape from the crowd. Just without courage,
I do think his life is short but true to himself.
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